"So I think," replied Kneebone, again applying to the snuff-box, and by that
means escaping the angry glance levelled at him by his companion. “Don’t worry, Julian. Any man
might have endeavoured to protect himself in this fashion, a man with no one to
care, with an unnameable terror at the thought (as if it mattered!) of being buried
in alien earth, far from the familiar places he loved. ”
Ann Veronica looked at her thoughtfully for a moment, and decided to persist
on principle. There was hope for me then. . “He wants to settle something on you, I
believe. ‘Jacques!’
Melusine dropped to her haunches beside his inert form, feeling for the
wound. You are not going to that infidel Russell’s classes. Managers and accountants are always shifting about, so he tells me.
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